
Requirements : 
1 - Bottle 
2 - Oil
3 - Water
4 - Bled 
5 - Marker
6 - Leaf with petiole of Colocasia esculenta

Method : 
1 -  A leaf with petiole of Colocasia esculenta  cut from the plant .
2 - I filled a bottle with water.
3 - I dipped some part of petiole in bottled water.
4 - I put the oil on the top of the bottled water in such a way that a layer of the whole oil falls on the to.
5 - Then I put a mark on the bottled water.
Observation : 
After 10 hours it was noticed that the leaf was slightly bent and the water level in the bottle was slightly reduced. 
         Then I again marked the water level of the bottle .
Inference : 
It was seen that no part of the bottle was evaporated by it, only the leaf. 
      So, it proved that transpiration takes place through the leaves of plant .

            Experiment was done by , 
                                 Sk Amirul Rahaman
                                      Department of 
                                            Botany, PBC college, Roll number - 03, Reg No - 2018PBC00512 

Leaf with petiole of Colocasia   esculenta  
Leaf with petiole of Colocasia  esculenta  
